Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I'm from 'SWEGO

I'm from 'swego
where the water never ends
genee light
"I'll do" when ordering food.

I'm from 'swego
wicked awesome
throw it out
quick like a bunny

I'm from 'swego
drinks flow at all family meetings
dead soldiers, empty bottles
bar hopping is a sport

I'm from 'swego
big little town
forks of the road
west side vs. east side
more churches and bars than people

I'm from 'swego
home sweet home

Found My Voice

Where is it?
Where did I put it?
I know it was here a minute ago!
I’ve looked everywhere.
Under my shield, into my soul,
I’ve searched my brain, and I’ve even asked friends.
I’ve asked colleagues, and my higher power,
No one can find it.
I tried to dig it up where I thought I buried it,
but it wasn’t there.
I tried to reach into the sky where it may have floated,
but it wasn’t there.
I can’t believe i lost it.
I’ve searched the computer,
I’ve looked online,
I googled and youtubed and still, nothing.
What? Why are you handing me a pen!
Is that supposed to help me find it?
Why don’ t you help me look?
What do you want me to do?
Ok, but it’s not going to work.  
It’s just a pen and paper.
It’s not magic and I won’t be able to find it there.
(one hour later)
I found it, thank you.

I have finally found my voice!

Monday, July 15, 2013


Old baggage infringing on the present
friendships put to sleep
seeing empty houses
mourning the past
moving "stuff"
financial beliefs challenged
relationships examined
escape into fairy tale land
wake up to moving reality
emotional all over again
One truth is known
Love is more powerful than anything else
Love is my truth
Love will keep me sane
Everything else washes away
Like a footprint in the sand

Friday, July 12, 2013

Love Letters

Dear coffee,

I love you. I love you with all of my heart. When I wake up, I think about you.  In fact, I find myself thinking about you a lot.  I have to say, I think I'm addicted to you. The rush I feel when I am with you- I'm enticed by your very smell.  I know that this love can't last. I understand it might be a momentary passion, but until it ends, I wanted to tell you I can't get enough of you.  I love you in all forms. I love you when you are hot and even when you are cold. I Love when you are strong and when you are weak. Sometimes I feel like my heart will explode when I am with you, yet I can't stay away.  Thank you for being in my life.


Dear bacon,

I don't know what my life would be without you.  I still remember the first time we met.  You were so vulnerable, fresh and new.  I knew that I needed to have you.  Ever since then I can't get enough of you.  I look forward to seeing you, and I am sad when you are gone. I know others want you too, and I don't want to share  you. I want you all to myself. If I could have you everyday, that wouldn't even be enough.  I want to thank you for being in my life. I hope you will never leave me.


Dear mindless iPad games,

This love letter has to remain secret.  Once you read it, you must destroy it. This is of the utmost importance.  Our love needs to remain hidden.  No one can know how much time we spend together.  I would be ashamed to have anyone know.  I'm not ashamed of you, you are fine.  In fact, you are wonderful.  You are so creative, interesting and of course, addicting.  I can't get enough of you. You seduce me at night, entice me to keep spending time with you.  However, our love needs to be kept a secret. I don't want to, but if anyone found out, I'm afraid I would need to leave you, for good.  Remember what I had to do with FarmVille?  It still hurts me today.  So for now, know that I think of you often and I love you, and that has to be enough for now.


Dear margaritas,

This is a bittersweet letter.  I am sorry to do this to you in writing. I wanted to tell you in person, but it's just too hard.  Every time I'm around you, I can't keep my hands off of you.  I am so addicted to you, I can't even stand it.  Just the thought of your taste in my mouth makes me loose my mind.  I can't do this anymore, and that is what I want to tell you.  I know we have had a long relationship, spotty as it may be.  Way hotter in the summer than in the winter.  It needs to stop.  Your affect on me is too strong, and I'm afraid that I'm losing myself in your presence.  I have no control when I'm with you. I can't stop, and then I really lose control. It's not healthy for me anymore.  Know that I will always love you, and I will never forget you.  I hope that we can meet again one day, maybe soon, and your affect will have diminished and I will have my strength back, but until then, you will live in my mind.  I'm sorry. I love you.


Dear hot shower,

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.  Thank you for being there for me every morning and every evening.  You wrap me in warmth and cleanse away my bad day.  You don't judge me, or even ask anything of me.  You always give.  Thank you for being there for me in my times of need. When I'm sad, you're there for me.  When I'm cold, you're there for me, and when I am sick and drunk, you are really there for me.  You are reliable, and wonderful. You instantly help me and keep me warm. Sure, our encounters are short, but they are amazing.  The power you have to help me feel better, clean, like a new person, it is beyond words.  I am so grateful for you, and my love for you is unconditional.  You bring me so much joy, I wish I could do something in return.  I understand you don't need much. I do offer you shiny new things every once in a while, and I wish I could do more.  So know with this letter that I loveyou and without you in my life, I would be a sad version of myself.


Dear spoilers,

I want you to know how much I love you.  I want you to know that you are appreciated. I want you to know, that you add a lot to my life.  I'm sorry you may think that you are not important to me, when in fact you are.  You know that I don't like secrets. You know that I can't deal with not knowing, and you help me.  You are always there to help me understand what is going on. You don't keep any secrets from me, and I really love that about you.  You are honest as you can be, and I realize sometimes you lie, and I know that's not your fault.  You are always trying to help.  I just wanted to take the time to let you know that you add value to my life. You entertain me, you give me something to look forward to, and you complete me.  Yes, complete me.  Thank you for being you, and thank you for being there for my knowledge.


Dear passion,

I wanted to let you know I've been thinking of you a lot recently. I am just writing to tell you I love you. I know I don't say it often enough. I know I don't even think it often enough. I'm sorry that I haven't treated you the way I should. I haven't allowed you to just be you. I try to constrain you or put you in a box sometimes. I try to avoid you because you can just be a lot sometimes. I realized, and I have realized recently, that you are part of me. I cannot escape you. When I try to silence you, my days are darker. I think there is a way we can be great together. I know we can find it, and I'm willing to make it work. I love you. I love how you excite me. I love the things I say through you. I love how you make me feel. I love when we are together. I know we can create great things together. I just need to get over myself and my own blocks. It's always been me not you. I'm going to work on that. So I'll say it again, I love you.

